Definition of Fast break

1. Noun. (basketball) a rapid dash to get a shot as soon as possible after taking possession of the ball.

Generic synonyms: Break
Category relationships: Basketball, Basketball Game, Hoops

Definition of Fast break

1. Noun. (basketball) An offensive play in which a team, having won possession of the ball, moves the ball downcourt as quickly as possible, attempting to get an easy shot before the defense can set up. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Fast Break

fast Fourier transform
fast Fourier transforms
fast and furious
fast asleep
fast asleep(p)
fast backward
fast bowler
fast break
fast buck
fast busy signal
fast busy signals
fast clear down
fast company
fast component
fast day
fast dye
fast food
fast food restaurant
fast food restaurants
fast forward
fast forwarded
fast forwarding

Literary usage of Fast break

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Windsor Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly for Men and Women (1914)
"So something had to be done. And that something was done bv F. II. Spofforth. He was the first real exponent of genuine fast break bowling. ..."

2. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers by American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1903)
"The lamp itself can be short-circuited by means of a small resistance, and this switch (indicating), which is a very fast break under oil. ..."

3. The Phonographic Dictionary and Phrase Book by Benn Pitman, Jerome Bird Howard (1901)
"... break'able break'age break'down break'er break'fast break'fasted break'neck break'water v^ Ч Ч'\' breast'ed \ \> \ BREAST-BONE ^ *V CV 'g breast'pin ..."

4. The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the edited by Inchbald (1824)
"... But one another, like a race of cannibals ? A piece of butter'd wall you think is excellent a Per. Break my fast? break my neck rather; ..."

5. The Classical Journal (1829)
"The English language has also compounds of this kind ; as, break-fast, break-neck, break-stone (saxi-fraga), hang-dog, kill-cow, kill-buck, Shake-spear ..."

6. Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical & Critical. Printed by Thomas Dolby, George Damiel, D. G., G. D., John Cumberland (1826)
"Break my fast ? break my neck rather! Is there any thing here to eat, But one another, like a race of cannibals ? A piece of butter'd wall you think is ..."

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